1. The Main Window
As you can see, there's Browse button to browse pics to be resized. I also provide rescale option where the two numbers are the pic dimension after rescaled. The first number is its width (e.g 400) and the second number is its height (e.g 300). By default I put "400 300" but users can change it as they wish.
Prefix is used to name the files that have been resized, e.g. if your original filename is "duolulu.jpg", and your prefix is "agu_", then the new filename will be "agu_duolulu.jpg". I included this feature in case user accidentally replace the original file.
2. After a user click Browse button, a pop-up window will appear. This allow the user to select "jpg" file to be processed. To select more than one file at a time.. hold the Ctrl key at the keyboard + select the chosen files.
3. Then finally, click the Process Now. Done!!! Check the new files inside the program directory.
You can download it here (get the bytecode). This program is not good enough. Ah.. what do you expect for a program that is written only for a few hours.. bah.
Nice stuff there mate, a little suggestion, would help if u can compile them to jar or exe.. some ppl can't use it.. ;)
nice work... wud the next step be changing all images of an assigned folder into thumbnails? tha wud helps me a lot.. hehe
Actually the bytecode is the jar (executable) file, hehe.. I like to call it "bytecode". It only runs using JRE 6.
Ah.. I think can implement your idea later, thanx for the suggestion. But for now, if u wanna convert all images in a folder.. just click crtl + select all files.. hehe.
Good work!
Is this what you always do when I'm not at home?
Anyway, I think this is quite useful. I'll try it somedayyyyy :p
sorry mate... didnt see the .jar cos it was automatically saved as .zip when I downloaded it. Neway, what version
of jdk did u use? Had to change the browse action to
String[] fileType= {"jpg","gif"};
FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("JPG & GIF Images", fileType);
Im using jdk 1.6.
The image size proportion also needs to be fixed. This will helps ppl a lot ;)
Do u have winzip or anything similar installed in ur PC? I think your jar extension is registered to zip application. So the solution is to reinstall again your JRE 6, or open-with (my program) with JAVA.
I used JDK6 (same like urs) to compile.. Ah.. your code, I think by putting comma like
FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("JPEG file", "jpg", "jpeg"); (Ref, JAVA API)
is also possible instead of creating a String array.
Yeah.. the proportion image thingy, i expected that problem before I implement it. I'll fix it in the next release.. now lazy to think of any maths formula.. :D.
Baby Kuma,
Yeah.. boring. I have to cook myself.. :D. Wait till few months until the stable version is released.. then you can try it.. :p.
no need to reinstall, just rename from .zip to .jar.. dats it.. :p
I think my IDE caused the error... it sees FileNameExtensionFilter("JPEG file", this ("jpg", "jpeg")); as String attributes instead of array..
neway, keep it workin mate... ;)
:D.. cheating solution!!!
Mmm.. IDE, I'm using Eclipse.
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